Rain (web comic) Wikia



Author Notes[]

Is Maria being rude? You betcha. But if she does indeed have some kind of terrible past conflict with Emily, can you really blame her? “Forgive and forget” is a nice sentiment, but it’s not always that easy. 

And what about Emily? People don’t normally change so quickly. That said, in all fairness, she’s been going through kind of a lot lately. Maybe it did cause some kind of epiphany for her. Or maybe Maria’s right, and she’s really just some conniving bitch looking for payback over arbitrary and petty things.

I wonder what happened between those two… 


Rain headshot
So what's up, Emily? You seem upset and I don't usually see you outside of school.
Emily headshot
My house is kind of empty. And everyone else is busy...
Emily headshot
Are you sure it's okay for me to be here though? I really don't want to be a burden.
Rain headshot
No, it's fine.
Rain headshot
We're just having a little get-together for the New Year. You're welcome to stay and join us if you have no one else to be with today.
Rain headshot
I mean, I'm sure your parties are probably more fun, but we're all friends here so...
Maria headshot
What do you mean Emily is here?
Chanel head shot
That's kinda rude, Maria.
Maria headshot
No. I know her game. She's just here to wreck Rain's party, because she still thinks she ruined her Halloween party or her relationship or whatever BS it is this week.
Maria headshot
I'm sure that's the only reason, she's been nice to Rain at all. To get close to her and try to get back at her over nothing.
Maria headshot
Her image is the most important thing to her after all, and she'll do anything to preserve that.
Maria headshot
Please don't. I've been on the receiving end of it before.
Rain headshot
I... I... I'm sorry. I'll go talk to her...
Emily headshot
It's okay. I have done some pretty crappy things in the past.
Emily headshot
And well... The sooner she gets it out, the sooner we can just have fun.

Links and Reference []

Related Topics[]

  • Emily's Halloween Party
  • Rain's new years party
  • Emily/Chase
  • Emily's Home Life
  • Emily and Maria's past