Rain (web comic) Wikia



Author Notes[]

For a moment, imagine that you’re Rain’s position. Are you satisfied with his answer?

And how about Holly and Devon? Any danger of them figuring anything out from that?


Rudy headshot
Contrary to popular belief, I'm still - and will always be - gay. You're different, though. You stand out.
Rain headshot
What exactly is that supposed to mean? I don't even want to stand out.
Rudy headshot
Look, you live in fear every single day of your life. Afraid that people won't accept you. Afraid that people will shun you. Afraid that people will hate you.
Rudy headshot
And yet you do what you have to anyway. Despite your fears, or your depression, or your personal handicaps.
Rudy headshot
You're no better off than anyone else - you may even have it harder than most people - and yet you refuse to let any of that stop you.
Rudy headshot
You are yourself everyday Regardless of all the things that hold you back, because you're strong. And that strength makes you more honest, more driven and more open than anyone else I know.
Rudy headshot
And that, Rain, is why you stand out.
Rudy headshot
That's why I love you.
Holly headshot
Wait. I'm confused about something.
Devon headshot
Holly, put your hand down.

Links and Reference[]
