Rain (web comic) Wikia



Author Notes[]

(Sudden barrage of pages: 3 of 3)

Very heavy page, with lots of new info on Fara and Kellen… and a little bit about Mrs. Flaherty.

Just a heads up: There will be no new pages next week (again). I’m taking a hiatus next to play a little bit of catch up with my progress on the comic. Updates will resume its normal schedule on Sunday, August 21st with Chapter 5 (I'll also have internet in my home again by then, so updates will become more regular again). 

And with any luck, I’ll have the opportunity to post a few Rain Delays during that time, in the very least. ^_^ 


Fara headshot
Not to mention what with having your own engagement broken off last year with that bastard whose name escapes at the moment, you're going to feel envious that Aiken's found someone that make him happy enough to want to marry so quickly.
Kellen headshot
It... no... It's really not like that.
Fara headshot
Bull. I know how you feel better than you do right now, because i've been through it myself. Still going through it in fact. I'm almost 40 and still not married.
Fara headshot

But your mother got married and had three beautiful children, while I had one failed relationship after another. And I resented her for a good long time for doing so well at everything, while I just fell behind.

Maybe comparing you to myself isn't the most inspirational thing I could say to you, but I'm still not going to give up.

I don't think you should hold a grudge against Aiken or his lady friend over it either. Because you never know what could happen...

...and today I find myself regretting that resentment I had for my big sister. Do you understand, Kellen?
Kellen headshot
Yes, Aunt Fara. Thank you...

Links and References[]

related topics[]

  • family
  • Kellen
  • Kellen/Chase
  • Fara/Liriel
  • Kellen/Aiken